Randomosity* at its fullest

* Getting ready for office – prancing towards shuttle in search of a window seat – trying hard, pushing , giving in my full strength in opening the window.. phewww…. I’m doing more physical work these days…

* Watching KKKG movie.. looking deep into the GREEK GOD’S eyes and wondering how come Suzanne Khan can leave him..

* Why is everyone around me getting married?? I feel awful being left out.. ๐Ÿ˜ I do hope I don’t become like Rani Mukherjee waiting forever for ” I Do” to happen..

* Don’tcha think the Kochadiayaan songs – Bride’s promise & bridegroom’s promise are soo biased.. I mean I do love both these songs.. but the girl’s promise goes like, “I will not doubt you, even if the prettiest girls are with you”. But the guy’s promise never has anything as such ๐Ÿ˜›

* I wish my hair grows faster just like my nails.. Damn thing.. has never gone beyond my shoulders ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜›

* How many hours of makeup required for the oh-so-pretty-girl in shuttle to look oh-so-pretty? When do they get time to do all that. *sigh* I hardly find time to get up and take bath…

* I recently noticed in Instagram that on anย average a girl shares 90% duckface selfies, or a pic of their chappals, or their morning coffee..




*Randomosity – word courtesy – Confessions of Georgia Nicholson


I swear I wrote this like two months back.. ย And also another post a month back, both mentioning Rani Mukherjee’s single status… n bammmm she gets married..

2 thoughts on “Randomosity* at its fullest

  1. I wish my hair grew faster and thicker too ๐Ÿ˜€
    And I have the same doubts about the oh-so-pretty-girl in office. From morning to evening, she looks the picture-perfect same. Whereas me.. by the end of day – look like – venam vidunga ๐Ÿ˜€

Any thoughts??!!