A Court Of Wings and Ruin – Book Review

Author : Sarah J Maas

Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing

Pub Date: 2 May 2017

Source : Own copy got through Story Trunk May box.

Get the book from Amazon.in, Infibeam

Book Blurb

A nightmare, I’d told Tamlin. I was the nightmare. A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3)

Feyre has returned to the Spring Court, determined to gather information on Tamlin’s maneuverings and the invading king threatening to bring Prythian to its knees. But to do so she must play a deadly game of deceit—and one slip may spell doom not only for Feyre, but for her world as well. As war bears down upon them all, Feyre must decide who to trust amongst the dazzling and lethal High Lords—and hunt for allies in unexpected places.

My Thoughts


That was my first reaction after finishing the book. I cried, I shuddered, I was at loss of words while reading and after finishing the book. This is PERFECTION!.  This could have been the final book of the series as it is very well written but SJM decides to keep her fans hooked and so is rewarding us with another in 2018. But its so faaarrrr away and is already on top of my anticipated books of 2018.

Where should i begin about this book.. whatever i write will never make justice. SJM has never left any character to be in the shadows. Everyone has their limelight moment and i liked that. The intensity between Cassian and Nesta was too much , ufff!!! I was waiting for this to happen and still that story is left hanging and all that build up kills me.

Tamlin the Tool!! what can i say, i hated him right from the first book.. but this book made him look a little bit bearable to me.

Do you remember the Grammy Awards ceremony where Adele keeps telling how much she loves Beyonce and Beyonce is mouthing the words I love you with tears in her eyes… Well, that’s me, during a particular chapter (i promise not to give away which one) crying all the way saying I love you Rhysand!!! My Night triumphant, how much do i adore thee, you will never know!!

I cannot stop thinking about Rhysand not even after days of finishing the book. He is the best-est!!  I can write an entire post about him.. I mean I should write one.. 🙂

Feyre’s character was already well established in book two, and that’s just maintained here as she grows out to be strong and independent, thanks to her wonderful High Lord.

I hate wars even if its in books and this war was pretty intense. I was fearing for each n every character’s life. SJM made me turn the pages like a mad person.

If you still haven’t read the book or started the series, please just do.

My rating is 4.5 stars. (I didn’t like the frequent sex scenes, i felt they were totally unnecessary given the intense build up in Book 2, hence the minus 0.5)



Waiting on Wednesdays

I cant stop waiting !! One part of the world has already got its hands on their copy of ACOWAR!. Mine is coming in this month’s Story Trunk book subscription box and since its India, there is always delay from books being released by publishers :/

ACOWAR – Book Blurb

Looming war threatens all Feyre holds dear in the third volume of the #1 New York Times bestselling A Court of Thorns and Roses series. A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3)
Feyre has returned to the Spring Court, determined to gather information on Tamlin’s maneuverings and the invading king threatening to bring Prythian to its knees. But to do so she must play a deadly game of deceit-and one slip may spell doom not only for Feyre, but for her world as well.
As war bears down upon them all, Feyre must decide who to trust amongst the dazzling and lethal High Lords-and hunt for allies in unexpected places.
In this thrilling third book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Sarah J. Maas, the earth will be painted red as mighty armies grapple for power over the one thing that could destroy them all.

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Also I had pre-ordered a copy of Windfall by Jennifer E.Smith in March !!! I tracked the order today in Amazon only to find that the release (here) has been postponed to May 17th .

Windfall Book blurb

Alice doesn’t believe in luck—at least, not the good kind. But she does believe in love, and for some time now, she’s been pining for her best friend, Teddy. On his eighteenth birthday—just when it seems they might be on the brink of something—she buys him a lottery ticket on a lark. To their astonishment, he wins $140 million, and in an instant, everything changes.

At first, it seems like a dream come true, especially since the two of them are no strangers to misfortune. As a kid, Alice won the worst kind of lottery possible when her parents died just over a year apart from each other. And Teddy’s father abandoned his family not long after that, leaving them to grapple with his gambling debts. Through it all, Teddy and Alice have leaned on each other. But now, as they negotiate the ripple effects of Teddy’s newfound wealth, a gulf opens between them. And soon, the money starts to feel like more of a curse than a windfall.

As they try to find their way back to each other, Alice learns more about herself than she ever could have imagined . . . and about the unexpected ways in which luck and love sometimes intersect.

Hopefully, these two beauties will be in my hands by next Wednesday ! What books are you waiting for this week?


Ten Authors I’m dying to Meet (Top Ten Tuesdays)

Ok let’s get real, I read YA fiction mostly and most of my favorite authors don’t even tour my country 😥 But this week’s Top ten Tuesday (hosted by Broke and Bookish) topic is about the 10 authors you are dying to meet/already met.

So the ten authors I’m dying to meet even though it’s not a possibility are :

  • J K Rowling

Anyone would understand, right? 😉

  • Meg Cabot

She gave me my first “series” addiction and I love her for that ❤

  • Sarah Dessen

Ahhhh.. the feels you get while reading a Dessen book.. she has this amazing pull that keeps me forever hooked to her.Top Ten Author

  • Colleen Hoover

Same as Sarah Dessen. She wows you away with her words. Some of my favorite quotes in recent times are from her books and i absolutely love Confess.

  • Sophie Kinsella

I have forever been a Kinsella fan, and all my lists include her somehow 😉

  • Sarah J Maas

I want to meet her if only to steal her manuscripts 😛

  • Anuja Chauhan

Now she is an author I actually have the chance of meeting. She is from my country and is like THE most favorite-est author of mine  among Indian writers. She is amazingly funny and is like the Sophie Kinsella of India.

  • George R R Martin

This great man, the only man to be featured in my list, I guess.. How can he create such amazing fictional kingdoms and kill everyone mercilessly. I need to ask him that!!

And last but not the least….

  • Stephenie Meyer

When Twilight hit the stores, I picked it randomly without even checking the description. That was my first paranormal fiction and I was blown away. LITERALLY!! I know the movies spoiled everything especially Kristen Stewart, but Bella and Edward were THE pair for me for a long time. I was lovestruck with Edward Cullen and his intense love. This was the book that made me watch The Vampire Diaries and fall in love with Stefan Salvatore. I blame Stephenie for the misery she caused me with the TVD finale.

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That’s it.. 🙂 I know I don’t have life-changing authors in my list, because I’m never into serious reads, there’s enough seriousness in life and I prefer books that make me feel light, happy and fun to read. Reading for Pleasure, always.

Please leave me a link to your blogs – I know i’ll be all green-eyed when i read about the fantastic authors you have already met. If you haven’t and wish to meet, well, i’m here with you sailing that same boat 😉




All Rhysand fans out there would have known that ACOWAR book cover has been revealed.

Now waiting for the book to be released!!! *Squeal* May 2nd is so far away..


Very very curious to know what happens in book 3 of ‘A court of Thorns and Roses’ (ACOTAR) by Sarah J Mass. Thought it looked like a retelling of Beauty and Beast in book#1, the second book ‘A court of Mist and Fury’ (ACOMAF) just blew my mind *Cant get enough of Rhysand*

The April book box theme of “Books n Beyond” is related to Rhys they said, and off i went and pre-booked.. Book yours now.. 😀
