The not-to-do list 

Ordinary people make the to-do lists. The Extraordinaire make a not-to-do list. 😜 So here’s the I’m-not-doing-this resolutions for 2016. 

*I will not watch a movie on the first day of its release and worry later about how I had wasted 250 bucks. I will duly wait for a week, look for reviews and then proceed. 

*I will not give in to spur of the moment decisions and end up buying things which I will never touch later 😬

*I will never attempt to curl my hair on my own. Period. 

*I will not read cookbooks to sleep and end up cooking in dreams and none in real life 😆

* I will not ask my manager for leave like a good kid and end up listening to an hour’s lecture as if my absence is gonna shut the company down. 😏

* I will not ask the husband to go shopping with me when I’m in desperate search for ‘the kurta’ ( you know the one which is in our mind, but difficult to find in shops, so we go through 5-6 shops in search of it) because he is not that patient. 😝

* I will not wait until the last dress left in the closet is unfit for wearing, to do my laundry. 

* I will not attempt to make ice creams, especially the store-bought ones which claim to be easy-peasy. (I ended up eating all of it last time)

* I will not buy any more indoor plants because I have this rare talent of letting even succulents to die. 🙈

* I will not turn the front camera ON until I reduce my weight. 

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

7 thoughts on “The not-to-do list 

  1. Pingback: The not-to-do list | My cOrNer oF tHe wOrLd

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